Surgical Information

surgery faqsDental operations are usually day stay surgery. All patients can be treated under Local Anaesthesia, Intravenous Sedation or General Anaesthesia. Your surgeon will advise what is best.

In Christchurch procedures are undertaken at Forte Hospital (General Anaesthetic procedures) or the clinic of RJ Begg & Associates, 7 Wairakei Road, Strowan, 8052, NZ (Intravenous sedation procedures). Phone 03 351 9082

In Lower Hutt procedures are undertaken at Hutt Specialist Oral Surgery, 65-71 Queens Arcade, Hutt Central, Lower Hutt, 5010, NZ (Intravenous sedation procedures). Phone 04 566 0500

For patients having Intravenous sedation or General Anaesthesia they will need to fast for 6 hours and have a carer to drive them home and be available for the first 24 hours.

Children will be allocated first on the operating list. Patients with difficult surgery or medical conditions will be admitted overnight to Forte Hospital and discharged the next day unless advised otherwise.

Normally antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed to take home and complete.

Medical operations can be day stay or overnight stay if required.

Preoperative investigations including blood tests or x-rays may be recommended. During surgery any abnormal tissue is submitted for pathology.

Examples of medical operations include infection of the jaws or head and neck, fractures of the facial skeleton such as broken jaws or cheekbones, cancer of the mouth or head and neck, salivary gland swellings or tumours, jaw disproportion or facial deformity causing functional or cosmetic issues, jaw joint anomalies causing locking, clicking or dysfunction.

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